Launching a new website is an exciting and sometimes daunting process. It’s helpful to consider the “launch” stage as a point between design/development and maintenance/revision. This helps keep the entire process in perspective as you plan. Here are five key things to think about as you prepare to launch.
1. Be Clear on Your Purpose
The purpose of your website must be clear not only in your mind but also in the way that the website looks and functions. Do you intend to market and sell products and/or services online? Are you using the website as a showcase for your work? Is it a simple site that communicates the feel of your brand and presents ways to get in touch? A definite focus will help your visitors — and you!
2. Optimize Your SEO
3. Research the Market
Search out websites that have similar objectives, products/services, or branding — and make notes. Doing your research will give you a good sense of best practices for your field, and give you ideas on how to stand out from the competition.
4. Focus on High-Level Branding
It’s crucial that your business has a unique look and delivers a consistent online message. High-level branding that’s professional looking and authentic will help you achieve that goal. Choose a color palette that’s streamlined and resonant with your brand. Color plays a big role in the perception of your brand identity (including your logo), so keep in mind as you choose that colors are associated with various emotions and types of brands.