Just as there are apps that deal with our finances and lifestyle, it should come as no surprise that there are also apps that look to aid vape users. The following apps have been split into two categories by our friends over at the ecigreview site so you can easily decipher which app is best suited to your needs.
Beginner Apps
The following apps have been designed for those who have recently been introduced to the world of vaping.
Vape Boss
If you’re embarking on your first e-cigarette journey, then you may well want to consider Vape Boss. Not only does it provide users with some assistance for their first time, but you can also locate local stores and read reviews about the latest paraphernalia.
For those who have recently switched from smoking tobacco to vaping will find Vapemate an essential tool. Vapemate will strengthen your willpower by letting you know how long it was since you switched, and also calculates the money you have saved by switching to vaping.
V2 App
If you’re a regular user of V2’s vaping products, then you will find this app more than useful. As well as being kept up to date in relation to industry news, you can also order new products with ease.
Planet of the Vape Forum App
When it comes to finding out the latest news and gossip in the world of vaping, it pays to visit the right kind of forum. Planet of the Vape is a very engaged community, who can be interacted with ease using this nifty app.
Calculation Apps
Those who are more seasoned with the practice of vaping can also benefit from the following vaping apps.
Coil Calculator
Those who have been vaping for some time may wish to start making their own coils for their e-cigarette. The Coil Calculator is a melting point of information. Offering information on windings and wire lengths, as well as calculating the right measures for your specific coil.
Smoke Free
Giving up tobacco for vaping can be a positive mood, if not difficult at times. Smoke Free gives you that little push in the tight direction, by offering a slew of different tips, as well as calculating how much money you have saved due to switching.
Cloud Box
When it comes to vaping apps, Cloud Box has a number of tricks up its sleeve. Firstly, it can offer users parametera for when making their own coils. Secondly, it can offer you a number of e-liquid ingredients, as well as nicotine levels that go towards helping you create your own e-liquids.
The world of vaping is not a complex one, but it doesn’t hurt to get some hips and tips when first starting out. Similarly, those who have been vaping for some time may wish to create their own coils, or even mix their own e-liquids. Fortunately, the above apps offer information in abundance as well as pretty impressive calculation tools, making these vaping apps truly worth of your consideration.